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Janitors came out to demand fair pay, safe working conditions and lay-off protections as they continue bargaining their first contract with Bee-Clean.

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“We must make sure that janitors are paid livable wages"

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“You can contract out the cleaning, but you cannot contract out the responsibility” janitors say

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“You can contract out the cleaning, but you cannot contract out the responsibility” janitors say

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That applications for the National Bursary Program are still being accepted. / L’appel de demandes pour le Programme national de bourses d’études continue.

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"Aujourd’hui, Slim Gedeon élève sa voix comme membre de la campagne nationale "De l’invisible à l’essentiel", exigeant, entre autres, une augmentation salariale de 2 $ par heure pour les concierges à travers le pays. Ces derniers, explique-t-il, sont eux aussi essentiels et "préparent le terrain" de la première ligne, en nettoyant et en désinfectant les aires de travail ou les résidences de tous."

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“The pandemic really exposes the gaps in how essential work pre-COVID-19 is seen as invisible, but now the pandemic uncovers what’s underneath and what’s really holding the Canadian economy together."

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"Invisible but essential, underpaid and overworked, they’re standing between you and COVID-19. And risking their lives."

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On April 29th, Gary Burrill came out in support of more recognition and better wages for janitors. “The work of janitors and cleaners is at the foundation of our medical system. It’s the beginning place of our educational system, is the starting place of our governance system. And now we’re understanding in a new way it’s also at the foundation of our whole public health system. The work of janitors and cleaners is essential work, it’s necessary work"

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Janitors at Lonsdale Quay Market in North Vancouver are celebrating after achieving a successful union organizing drive and certification vote amid the outbreak of COVID-19.

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