Thursday January 9, 2025
The Union’s negotiating committee met with GDI and the conciliator on Tuesday January 7, 2025. We did not reach an agreement. A final conciliation meeting is set for Thursday January 23, 2025.
Even though it may still be possible to reach an agreement, we are preparing for a strike.
We have scheduled picket line / strike trainings and it is important for every member to attend one of the two available trainings.
Picket Line / Strike Training
When: Saturday January 18, 12-4 pm | Sunday January 19, 2025, 5-9 pm
(Attend ONE)
Location: Homewood Suites / Hilton, 1960 Brunswick St.
Strike Rally on Monday January 27
If we don’t reach an agreement, every member from every location will be on strike by Monday January 27, 2025, and we will be gathering for a mass rally at Purdy’s Wharf that morning. An exact time and location will be communicated at the trainings and will be announced in the coming days.
We will also have more information as to when the strike will begin and when you STOP showing up for work. In the meantime, continue working your shifts normally.
December 11, 2024
The Union’s negotiating committee met with GDI yesterday. We reached impasse and today we filed for conciliation.
We have now met with GDI for five days and we remain far apart on issues SEIU Local 2 members have identified as priorities.
Nova Scotia labour statutes require parties to meet with a Conciliation Officer to try and resolve a potential dispute before there can be a legal strike or lockout. Conciliation is the process of intervention in collective bargaining by a neutral third party knowledgeable in effective negotiation procedures. This third party is called a “Conciliation Officer,” and their job is to help employers and unions reach a collective agreement, but they do not have the authority to impose binding decisions.
We now await to be contacted by the Ministry of Labour appointed Conciliation Officer and we do not expect to be back at the bargaining table until the new year.
SEIU Local 2 members working for GDI in the HRM remain resolved to pursue our key issues. On November 16, 2024, we provided our bargaining committee with an overwhelming strike mandate with the vast majority voting to approve a strike.
A majority of us have pledged to take strike action if that’s what it comes to.
Check out the United & Ready video.
We deserve to be treated fairly and much of what we are asking for, GDI cleaners in other cities already have.
We will provide another update once have we a conciliation date to report.
November 18, 2024
SEIU Local 2 members have provided their bargaining committee with an overwhelming strike mandate at our November 16, 2024, meeting. After four days of bargaining, it’s clear that the employer does not agree with members’ priorities, which according to the bargaining surveys fair wages, benefits for all, retirement security, and manageable workloads
We deserve to be treated FAIRLY and much of what we are asking for, GDI cleaners in other cities already have. It’s time to show the employer we are ready to stand up for ourselves and demand the respect we deserve!
The bargaining committee returned to bargaining on Wednesday November 20.