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Rally planned outside Château Laurier as violations mount
Numerous grievances have been filed against the hotel’s cleaning contractor, ServeGreen Cleaning Services, alleging they have failed to respect workers’ rights and their Collective Bargaining Agreement.
J4J Movement Grows in BC as NBM Cleaners Join
“It was clear that we were getting left behind as workers doing the same job as us are getting paid more and have access to health and dental benefits because they have a union.”
There is a Better Way
TTC Contract-Flipping Shouldn’t Hurt Workers. When the TTC changes contractors, the impacted workers and their families risk losing all the workplace improvements they’ve made over the years. Together we can change that.
Sodexo workers prevail and win
Sodexo workers prevail and win important gains as they ratify agreement with improvements to wages, benefits, and pension plan.
More Best Service Pros workers join SEIU
Ratify deal that includes 75-cent wage increase for all workers and makes benefit plan accessible to part-timers.
Cleaners at Vancouver Int’l Airport ratify first contract, get Living Wages
The three-year deal with Dexterra includes a nearly 8.5% wage increase over the term of the agreement.