
The Latest

In September 2022, Best Service Pros workers that clean the EA Sports building in Burnaby and the Coastal Mountain Bus loops and transit stations across the Lower Mainland overwhelmingly voted yes to ratify a contract that saw significant wage increases and improvements to their health and dental benefit plan.

Cleaners at these worksites join hundreds of previously unionized Best Service Pros workers who clean post-secondary campuses and large shopping centres in the BC Interior and across the Lower Mainland.

See some of the key highlights below in the collective agreement:

  • Wage increases above 4% for the majority of workers
  • Improvements to the health & dental plan
  • Health Benefits are now available for part-time workers 
  • Better vacation entitlements 
  • Boxing Day as a new paid statutory holiday

Worker Voices

Thoa nguyen 2_photo

“I’ve worked with Best since 2009 without any health benefits. I joined the union today so I can have health benefits for me and my family, What’s also very important is that we have protection with a union and a stronger voice to speak up if we are mistreated or our rights are being violated.”

–Thoa Nguyen
Best Service Pros Worker

Hoanh Ngoc Le

I’ve been a union member for 18 years and I know a union is good for workers. I’m happy to have a union with my job at Best because I know that together, we will be able to accomplish more things and better our working situation and lives”

–Hoanh Ngoc Le
Best Service Pros Worker

Nu Nguyen_photoFINAL

“We are very happy about the wage increase. I’ve been working with Best since 2012 making minimum wage. I won a 4.7% wage increase with my union and ready to fight for more increases next year that we need to support our families.”

–Nu Nguyen
Best Service Pros Worker

If you need to enroll in benefits and download your claims forms, visit our member resource page – medical benefits

Contact the union office and ask to speak to your representative if you have any questions.


Best Service Pros workers have been unionized with SEIU Local 2 since 2017. Janitors at Capilano University ratified their first collective agreement in February 2018.

Following that victory, four other post-secondary institutions joined our Union – BCIT, Vancouver Community College, Langara College and UBC-Okanagan. 

SEIU Local 2 also represents Best Service Pros janitors at Tsawwassen Mills Shopping Centre, Metropolis at Metrotown Shopping Centre, Guildford Town Centre and the Parkinson Recreation Centre.

The Collective Agreement is set to expire on May 31, 2023, which means over 600 Best workers will now bargain collectively for more improvements along with thousands of janitors across the city. We know when we stick together and fight, we can win big!

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