New Vancouver City-Wide CBA Highlights

For members employed by Bee-Clean Building Maintenance, Best Service Pros, GDI Integrated Facility Services, Alpine Building Maintenance, Ultra-tech Cleaning Systems, Hallmark Housekeeping Services, BGIS Integrated Facility Management and C&W Services in the Lower Mainland, Victoria, and Kelowna.

UPDATE: June 20, 2023

Congratulations on your new Collective Agreement!

Thanks to the major organizing efforts by workers over the last seven years, this year’s bargaining was the first time since the 1980s in British Columbia that over 2,500 workers came together at a central bargaining table to negotiate a city-wide contract.

This put us in a stronger position to negotiate more from our Employers and refuse any concessions. Together, we did it!

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Term of Contract: June 1, 2023– May 31, 2025

This contract will be two years in duration. The benefit of a shorter contract term means we are back to the table sooner to demand more workplace improvements.

Here are the key highlights in your new Collective Bargaining Agreement

Job Security

Your Bargaining Committee fought to ensure we have strong language that protects workers against subcontracting practices and attempts to replace bargaining unit work with subcontractors to cut costs. 

Medical Note

Your Employer can ask you for a medical note after three (3) or more days  of being sick. If they ask you for a note, they are required to reimburse you for the cost of the medical note.

Job Postings, Lay-off Rights & Site Transfer Requests

Article 12 in your Collective Agreement lays out how the Employer is required to post for new jobs to give current employees a chance to apply for positions before hiring from outside.

Lead Hand and Special Project Worker are now job classifications subject to job posting procedures. 

These improved job posting provisions are based on a system of company-wide seniority.

Your Bargaining Committee also won language saying that the Employer “cannot unilaterally transfer employees between sites” and also gives workers a chance to be considered for job postings at other unionized work locations if they want by informing your Employer in writing.


Employees scheduled for a shift of seven (7) or more hours shall be entitled to two (2) paid fifteen (15) minute rest periods during their shift.

Each Employee scheduled for a shift of less than seven (7) hours shall be entitled to one (1) paid fifteen (15) minute rest period during their shift.

Employees scheduled for a shift of five (5) hours or more shall be entitled to an unpaid one-half (1/2) hour meal break.

“Subject to mutual agreement of the Employer and an employee the break may be scheduled at the end of the employee’s shift.”

The Employer will make reasonable efforts to modify break times to accommodate prayer times or religious fasting.

Improved Vacation Pay & Holidays

Truth & Reconciliation will now be a recognized holiday in your Collective Agreement!

Beginning January 2024, employees who have completed four (4) years of employment will be entitled to three (3) weeks of vacation at six per cent (6%) pay and those who have completed ten (10) years shall receive four (4) weeks of vacation at eight per cent (8%) pay.

In buildings where a portion, or all of the occupants, observe Easter Monday and the Employer instructs an employee not to report for work on these days, this shall be done in writing, and they shall be entitled to receive their regular pay for the day.

Beginning in January 2024, all employees covered under this Agreement will bank vacation pay to be paid during vacation leaves.

Paid Personal Days

Workers who have completed their probation will be entitled to one (1) paid personal day per year.

Workers who have completed five (5) years of service will have an additional paid personal day per year (two (2) paid days per year).

Paid Sick Days

Employees who complete their probation will be entitled to five (5) paid sick days per year.

Having this clause clearly laid out in our Collective Agreement guarantees we have these paid sick days even if there was ever a change of government that decides to claw back on worker legislated benefits.

Uniform Allowance

Allowance to purchase uniform pants (if not already issued by your Employer) has increased from $50 per year to $100.

Employers will also contribute an extra two (2) cents per hour to assist with costs of laundering your uniforms.

Your Employer will also make available a winter coat with Company identification and winter gloves selected by the Employer to employees required to work outside during the winter months.

Health Benefits

Eligibility to enroll in the benefits has gone down from nine (9) months to six (6) months. Your Employer will continue to pay premiums into your benefits of $1.27 per hour worked. During the course of this Collective Agreement, the Union Trust will conduct a review to see if more money is available to make improvements to your benefits.

Note that workers not covered by the benefits (those working less than eighty-seven (87) hours per month) will now have access to the Life Insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance. See benefit booklet for more details.

Wage Increases


Light Duty < 6 months

JUNE 2023

JUNE 2024

Light Duty > 6 months

JUNE 2023

JUNE 2024

Heavy Duty < 6 months

JUNE 2023

JUNE 2024

Heavy Duty > 6 months

JUNE 2023

JUNE 2024

Special Project Worker

JUNE 2023

JUNE 2024

Lead Hand

JUNE 2023

JUNE 2024

Operations Coordinator

JUNE 2023

JUNE 2024


Light Duty < 6 months

Light Duty > 6 months

Heavy Duty < 6 months

Heavy Duty > 6 months

Special Project Worker

Lead Hand

Operations Coordinator

June 2023








June 2024








No person covered by this Agreement shall receive an increase less than set out below:

$1.20 on June 1, 2023

$1.10 on June 1, 2024


The overnight premium has been increased from 50 cents ($0.50) to 75 cents ($0.75) . A new forklift premium has also been added to the agreement, which is the Heavy Duty Rate plus one dollar ($1.00) per hour.

Note that Lead Hand and Special Project are now classifications and also received an additional 25 cent ($0.25) increase on top of the yearly wage increase.

ESA Trigger Language

If the minimum wage goes up in 2024, workers will receive 55 cents ($0.55) + sixty per cent (60%) of the increase in minimum wage or the above increases, whichever is greater.

Me too Language for Pay Equity

If the Employer provides a wage rate to newly hired employees that is higher than the rates set out in the minimum rates, all employees within the same building in an equal or higher classification shall be entitled to that higher wage rate.

Letter of Understanding on Job Descriptions

A sub-committee has been established that will meet within thirty (30) days to negotiate job descriptions for classifications covered by this Agreement.

Bee-Clean workers at the Skytrain and Best workers at post-secondary institutions, EA Sports and Coast Mountain bus, refer to separate addenda for your wage rates.

If you have any questions or concerns, speak to your steward or contact your Union rep.

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PLEASE NOTE : These highlight documents are meant to be guides / summaries.
If there are any discrepancies in interpretation, the correct and legal document is your Collective Bargaining Agreement.