Highlights of Improvements – Ottawa City-Wide Agreement

JUL 1, 2022– JUN 30, 2025

Improved Wages

Over the life of the three-year agreement members will see their hourly wages increase by $2.60. That’s a 16% increase – the largest we’ve ever won!

This table includes a summary of increases for each year of the agreement and a breakdown of the six (6) increases you will see over the three (3) years.

The $0.50 per hour premiums for Lead Hand and Midnight Shift remains unchanged.

Protection Against Increases to Cost of Living

We have some protection against inflation through a minimum wage trigger. If the provincial government increases the minimum wage by an amount that is greater than the combined wage increases in any calendar year of this agreement the wage rates will be adjusted upward to account for the difference.  (For example: If the minimum wage is increased by $1.00 cents on Jan 1, 2023 the wage increase for Jan 1, 2023 shall be 50 cents instead of 30 cents.)

Improvements to the Pension Plan

Effective January 1, 2025, each Eligible Employee shall contribute for each pay period an amount equal to 2% of Applicable Wages to the Plan. The Employer shall contribute on behalf of each Eligible Employee for each pay period, an amount equal to 2% of Applicable Wages to the Plan.

Multi-Sector Pension Plan
905-889-6200 (Option 1)


Additional  Paid Day & Bankable Personal Days

Employees with at least five years of service will be entitled to an additional Paid Personal Day, bringing their total to five (5). Those with less than 5 years service have four (4) days.

Don’t forget that Paid Personal days can be used as sick days and can be banked if not used and carried over to the following year. You may accumulate up to eight (8) Paid personal days in your bank.

Mobile Seniority

An employee’s seniority will be maintained through contract changes and movement between work locations.  Employees shall not serve an additional probation period when a contract changes hands between one employer to another.

Joint Job Descriptions Committee

We are creating a committee to develop clear job descriptions with the employer. This will help members get the $0.50 premiums they are entitled to when they work on special projects or as lead hand.

Improvements to Dental Plan & More

We’ve won increased employer contributions to our Benefits. This improves dental coverage by reducing the interval of visits from every nine (9) months to every six (6) months.

The increase also covers inflationary costs and protects against a reduction in benefit levels.

Global Benefits
TJ Fera – 416-635-6000 ext 362


Protection Against Subcontracting

We have protected members and can continue to raise standards for all workers by winning stronger language in our Collective Agreement that stops companies from using subcontracting.

The new collective agreement states:

“Persons whose jobs are not in the bargaining unit shall not work on any jobs which are included in the bargaining unit, except in cases of emergency, instruction, temporary experimentation or where the Employer does not have the facilities, equipment, and employees with specialized training to perform an irregular/specialized service (e.g., short-term landscaping, high rise window cleaning).”

Increased Shoe Allowance

Each employee is responsible for purchasing his or her footwear. Closed shoes must be worn at work. Employees who are required by the Employer to wear certified safety shoes on the job will be reimbursed, up to $150.00 every two (2) years, upon receipt of proof of purchase.

For floor finishing work (e.g., striping and waxing), the Employer will provide plastic shoe coverings to protect their shoes. Alternatively, the Employer can provide footwear by reimbursing employees up to $40.00 per year, upon receipt of proof of purchase.

Training for New Work Assignments

“Where the Employer changes an employee’s work assignment, the employer shall provide an orientation and familiarization of new duties.”

This language is important because it ensures that we do our jobs safely.

Pay When Work Cancelled due to Snowstorm

An employee who reports for their scheduled shift and finds that no work is available, will be paid for four (4) hours at their regular rate of pay, unless the employee received sufficient prior notification not to report to work or, the unavailability of work is the result of a cause beyond the control of the Employer, for example fire, flood, strike, or an act of God etc. (Clarity Note: ‘Act of God’ shall not include disruptions of work related to snowstorms) and the employer does not have sufficient time to notify employees.

Note: These are only the highlights of the improvements we made in the most recent round of bargaining. It’s important you refer to your Collective Bargaining Agreement for more details.

If you have questions, please speak with your Union Steward or Rep.