Gary Burrill, Nova Scotia NDP Leader, Endorses J4J Campaign

On April 29th, Gary Burrill came out in support of more recognition and better wages for janitors. “The work of janitors and cleaners is at the foundation of our medical system. It’s the beginning place of our educational system, is the starting place of our governance system. And now we’re understanding in a new way it’s also at the foundation of our whole public health system. The work of janitors and cleaners is essential work, it’s necessary work"


Slim Gedeon

People say that we are important but do they really treat us that way? We should be getting higher pay

Janitor, Ottawa
Read Slim's Story

Vilma Lopez

We should be given some recognition for taking this risk by at least increasing our wages

Janitor, Burnaby
Read Vilma's Story

Join our call in demanding safe workplaces and dignified wages for frontline janitors!