Janitors Make The News in Vancouver and Saskatoon

“I think with many other front line workers, this pandemic has really shone a light on how vitally important some of our most underpaid and undervalued working people are”

British Columbia and Saskatchewan: Janitors and SEIU Local 2 make the News

Derrick Penner of the Vancouver Sun interviewed Tom Gallivan, Director of Organizing, and member Rosario Agustin about working conditions and pay during the pandemic. The story appeared in the print and online editions of the Vancouver Sun and in the online edition of Saskatoon’s Star Pheonix. You can view the stories here:





Slim Gedeon

People say that we are important but do they really treat us that way? We should be getting higher pay

Janitor, Ottawa
Read Slim's Story

Vilma Lopez

We should be given some recognition for taking this risk by at least increasing our wages

Janitor, Burnaby
Read Vilma's Story

Join our call in demanding safe workplaces and dignified wages for frontline janitors!