Form Your Union

The Union Advantage

A Voice in the Workplace

In a non-union workplace, all the terms and conditions of employment (wages, benefits, hours of work etc.) are determined unilaterally by the employer and subject to change without input from workers.

In a unionized workplace, workers and the employer negotiate the terms and conditions of work, which are then set out in a legally binding contract.

Better Wages and Benefits

Reports from Statistics Canada indicate that unionized workers earn significantly more than non-union workers. The same statistics show that unionized workers have better benefits, including sick leave, extended health and dental benefits, long term disability benefits, vacation time and pension plans.

Safer and Healthier Workplaces

All too often, workers in non-union workplaces find it difficult to enforce their right to safe working conditions for fear of employer reprisals.

A union ensures workers are not punished for exercising their rights under the law. As a result, statistics show that unionized workplaces are much safer than non-union ones.

Job Security

A union contract can strengthen job security considerably by restricting the contracting out of jobs, providing workers on lay-off with recall rights and by providing workers with protection from unjust disciplines and/or dismissal.

Respect and Fair Treatment

In non-union workplaces, promotions, wages and other benefits are often determined by favouritism. In a unionized workplace, wage rates and benefits are negotiated for all workers equally. Job vacancies must be posted and the employer must consider applications equally with consideration given to seniority.

“It’s about respect. It’s about not being taken advantage of by the company. We are here to work with respect and as a union we can fight for the sort of respect we deserve at work.”

Amando Agamo

Start Building Your Union Today!