SEIU Local 2 Statement on Mass Anti-Racism Protests

Racism is key to maintaining this unfair and unjust economic system. Racism is used to divide working class people and keep us from uniting to challenge the rich and powerful who benefit from a rigged economy.

SEIU Local 2 Statement on Mass Anti-Racism Protests

The racist murder of George Floyd by the Minneapolis Police was a catalyst for demonstrations that have grown into a global movement challenging racism and injustice.  

SEIU Local 2 supports the Black Lives Matter movement and stands in solidarity with these protests. We encourage members of the union to participate (while taking precautions such as social distancing and wearing a mask.)

Canada has a long history of racism which dates to the foundation of the country.  The injustices and indignities continue to be the lived experience of indigenous peoples and communities of colour every day.

The past 35 years has seen growing inequality in Canadian society.  The majority of the new wealth created has been captured by a small group of wealthy families.  Incomes for working class people has stagnated and communities of colour and indigenous peoples have been disproportionately impacted.

Racism is key to maintaining this unfair and unjust economic system. Racism is used to divide working class people and keep us from uniting to challenge the rich and powerful who benefit from a rigged economy.

The answer is a united multi-racial workers’ movement that challenges racism and the economic system that it props up. 

Just a few weeks ago, a discussion about strategically reallocating resources, funding, and responsibility away from police and toward community-based models of safety, support, and prevention and investing in education, housing and healthcare, was unthinkable; yet here we are. 

By continuing to build and support the Black Lives Matter movement we can begin to address the broader issues of structural racism and inequality in our institutions and economy and fight to change them for fairness and justice!

We encourage our members to participate in upcoming actions to combat systemic racism!


  • Black Friday Rally in Support of Black Organizations in Hamilton
    Friday June 12 | 4:00 – 7:00 pm

    Hamilton City Hall
    71 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario

See FB Event for details and updates:

  • Black Lives Matter March to City Hall
    Sunday June 14 | 1:00 – 5:00 pm

    HWY# 406 Exit on Geneva Street
    Catharines, Ontario

See FB Event for details and updates:


Slim Gedeon

People say that we are important but do they really treat us that way? We should be getting higher pay

Janitor, Ottawa
Read Slim's Story

Vilma Lopez

We should be given some recognition for taking this risk by at least increasing our wages

Janitor, Burnaby
Read Vilma's Story

Join our call in demanding safe workplaces and dignified wages for frontline janitors!