Ongoing Campaigns
blurb about campaigns in general. little sentense here.
How to get in touch… social media? what ever you find relevant to include 🙂
Bee-Clean Union
In November 2020, Bee-Clean workers unionized with SEIU Local 2 won their first collective bargaining agreement in British Colombia. Through their union, the workers refused to give up and by staying strong and united were able to put enough pressure on Bee-Clean that the company conceded to some of their key demands.
Invisible to Essential
Join Us In Calling On Property Owners, Managers And Cleaning Contractors To Take Action in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
GDI Contract Fight
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought increased risks to frontline workers who have been keeping society going throughout this pandemic. Janitors working for GDI Integrated Facility Services have been essential in protecting public health and safety and while the public has shown verbal appreciation for the work of cleaners, this has not translated into increases in wages and benefits by their Employer.