Dexterra Union
Dexterra workers across BC are organizing with SEIU to win higher wages, health benefits, paid personal days, and job security against contract flips. You can do it too!
Contact an organizer today to learn how
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Dexterra is a national janitorial contractor that cleans millions of square feet across British Columbia.
Dexterra janitors at numerous shopping centers, commercial offices, government buildings and airports across British Columbia have come together, bargained for real change and won a voice at the workplace.
Whether your worksite is under threat of a contract flip or you and your co-workers are ready to win a collective voice to fight for better wages and benefits, now is the time to win a union at your workplace and we can help you get there!
These are some of the most significant improvements Dexterra janitors won through collective bargaining:
- Guaranteed wage increases
- Pay premiums
- Pension Plan
- Health and Welfare Benefits
- Additional Paid Stat Holiday
- Paid Personal Days
- Better Vacation Pay & Leave of Absence
- Paid Bereavement Leave
- Job Security
- Strong language on Health & Safety, Discrimination & Harassment
How do successorship rights protect unionized contracted janitors from contract flips?
- In May 2019, the BC provincial government implemented ‘successorship rights’ to protect contracted workers, such as janitors, during a contract change.
- Successorship rights (Section 35 in the BC Labour Code) only applies to workers at unionized worksites.
- If the cleaning contract changes at a unionized workplace, the new Employer (successor company) must re-hire all the staff, recognize their seniority, union contract and right to collectively bargain.
- On the other hand, non-union janitors must re-apply as probationary employees with no guarantee they will be hired with the same terms and conditions of work as before!
What are you waiting for? Contact an organizer and unionize your workplace today!
Dexterra Workers Speak Up –
Job Security Now!

Higher wages
“I’ve been working at Capilano Mall with Dexterra for 12 years.” The only increases we ever get are the government minimum wage increases, which we don’t know when it will happen again. That is why we needed to unionize at Capilano Mall. We are essential workers that deserve better pay for the work we do in keeping the public safe.”
- Gerry Langbis

Paid Sick & Personal Days
“I have worked with Dexterra for over 15 years and without any access to paid sick days. This issue was important to me even before the Covid-19 outbreak because this is a right all workers should have whether we face a health pandemic or not. We need paid sick days that are guaranteed in a union contract.”
- Ivan Chung

Overnight Wage Premium
“I work the overnight shift at Capilano Mall with Dexterra. This shift is very difficult on the body in addition to a job that is already quite physical. With our union, we will ask for pay increases collectively and we hope to win an overnight pay premium like other unionized workers have.”
- Allen Gonsaden

Health Benefits
“We decided to organize into a union so we can win health benefits for ourselves and our families. Right now, any health benefits that exist with Dexterra are inconsistent, do not include part-time workers and are completely under the control of the Employer. It’s time everyone who needs health benefits has access to them.”
- Carrianne Greyeyes

Power of a Union
“I worked at Dexterra for over 6 years. When the contract was about to flip at Tsawwassen Quay, I risked losing my wage rate and even worse, my job all together. I quickly organized with my co-workers and not only did I protect my job and wage rate, but with SEIU, I was able to collectively bargain a higher wage rate and Employer paid health benefits that were more superior to what I had before.”
- Dorinna Charette
The Latest

Labour Day is Around the Corner
Monday September 4th is Labour Day and SEIU Local 2 members will be participating in events across the country. Find an event near you!

Ottawa – June 2023 – Newsletter
J4J Picnic; Additional pay bump; Special project work and/or lead hand shift premiums.

Over 2500 Janitors Ratify Historic Deal in Vancouver and Beyond
“We’ve won big raises: $1.20 for everyone retroactive to the beginning of the month, and $1.10 next year,” said Elsa Paulino

Over 2500 Janitors in Metro-Vancouver Preparing for Bargaining
First Central Bargaining Contract Negotiations to win much needed improvements – cost of living wage increases, improved benefits, a pension plan, better health & safety measures, and job security!