Read more about the article Toronto Cleaners to get Additional Pay Bump in October
2022 Toronto J4J Negotiation Committee

SEIU Local 2 members cleaning in the GTA getting an extra bump in pay thanks to important language the Collective Agreement.

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Read more about the article OCC Janitors Unionize

After over 450 Bee Clean Building Maintenance janitors unionize at the end of 2022, cleaners at Okanagan Correctional Centre follow in their footsteps.

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Read more about the article Alpine workers in BC join SEIU
Alpine workers join SEIU

“Joining the union was an easy decision for me,” says Praveen Parmar, who has been a cleaner since 2004 and in the same building for almost a decade.

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Read more about the article OFL: Worker Power Leads to Bill 28 Reversal
Ontario Union leaders at November 7, 2022 Bill 28 press conference. (Photo via

The Ontario Federation of Labour says the Ford government got a glimpse of the magnitude of workers’ power leading to the reversal of Bill 28. (Photo via

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Read more about the article Tell Doug Ford: Hands Off Workers’ Rights
Rally supporting education workers. Photo via CUPE Ontario Facebook.

Doug Ford’s government has launched a full-frontal attack on basic labour freedoms in Ontario. Ford’s attack on education workers is an attack on all workers in Ontario. Take action to repeal Bill 28! Photo via CUPE Ontario Facebook.

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Read more about the article Dozens rally outside Château Laurier as violations mount
Dozens of supporters rally outside Chateau Laurier

Numerous grievances have been filed against the hotel’s cleaning contractor, ServeGreen Cleaning Services, alleging they have failed to respect workers’ rights and their Collective Bargaining Agreement.

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Numerous grievances have been filed against the hotel’s cleaning contractor, ServeGreen Cleaning Services, alleging they have failed to respect workers’ rights and their Collective Bargaining Agreement.

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Read more about the article J4J Movement Grows in BC as NBM Cleaners Join
NBM employee Iftu Muso Ibrosha (right) with her daughter Ifram.

“It was clear that we were getting left behind as workers doing the same job as us are getting paid more and have access to health and dental benefits because they have a union.”

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Read more about the article There is a Better Way
There's a Better Way!

TTC Contract-Flipping Shouldn’t Hurt Workers. When the TTC changes contractors, the impacted workers and their families risk losing all the workplace improvements they’ve made over the years. Together we can change that.

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Read more about the article Sodexo workers prevail and win
Sodexo workers celebrate ratifying agreement

Sodexo workers prevail and win important gains as they ratify agreement with improvements to wages, benefits, and pension plan.

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