Racism is key to maintaining this unfair and unjust economic system. Racism is used to divide working class people and keep us from uniting to challenge the rich and powerful who benefit from a rigged economy.

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In her 37 years working abroad, Loida Ubay has supported her parents and eight nieces and nephews in the Philippines.

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“I do the work because it’s my job,” said Loida. “It makes it possible for other people to work.”

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Janitors came out to demand fair pay, safe working conditions and lay-off protections as they continue bargaining their first contract with Bee-Clean.

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“We must make sure that janitors are paid livable wages"

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“You can contract out the cleaning, but you cannot contract out the responsibility” janitors say

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“You can contract out the cleaning, but you cannot contract out the responsibility” janitors say

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That applications for the National Bursary Program are still being accepted. / L’appel de demandes pour le Programme national de bourses d’études continue.

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"Aujourd’hui, Slim Gedeon Ă©lĂšve sa voix comme membre de la campagne nationale "De l’invisible Ă  l’essentiel", exigeant, entre autres, une augmentation salariale de 2 $ par heure pour les concierges Ă  travers le pays. Ces derniers, explique-t-il, sont eux aussi essentiels et "prĂ©parent le terrain" de la premiĂšre ligne, en nettoyant et en dĂ©sinfectant les aires de travail ou les rĂ©sidences de tous."

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“The pandemic really exposes the gaps in how essential work pre-COVID-19 is seen as invisible, but now the pandemic uncovers what’s underneath and what’s really holding the Canadian economy together."

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