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OCC Janitors Unionize

After over 450 Bee Clean Building Maintenance janitors unionize at the end of 2022, cleaners at Okanagan Correctional Centre follow in their footsteps.

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Over 450 Bee-Clean Workers join SEIU Local 2

Vancouver, BC – Over 450 Bee-Clean Building Maintenance workers have joined SEIU Local 2 after cleaners from dozens of properties across the Lower Mainland filed a multi-site application at the BC Labour Relations Board last week.

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Rally supporting education workers. Photo via CUPE Ontario Facebook.
Tell Doug Ford: Hands Off Workers’ Rights

Doug Ford’s government has launched a full-frontal attack on basic labour freedoms in Ontario. Ford’s attack on education workers is an attack on all workers in Ontario. Take action to repeal Bill 28! Photo via CUPE Ontario Facebook.

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